This is the world of Paradise Valley, five years post-Reckoning.
Since the final events of season 1, the world once known as the wastelands has changed significantly. Once populated by gangs and dictators, some groups of cats have demanded a change in society. Structured, fair leaderships have sprouted, and with the help of the Legendaries, some colonies have formed in the territories surrounding Paradise Valley, as well as religions and notable landmarks. This page contains information on all the official colonies and religions. Your character is allowed to have originated or interacted with any of these cultures, or you may craft your own.
Each of the established Colonies has a leader. You are allowed to include the leader in your backstory, or even have your character related to the leader (just clear it with the admins first). Also please note that while you allowed to create your own colonies, you are unable to claim specific locations on the map for your colony. For example, you can have your colony live in the Grand Mountains or in Linwood Forest, but you cannot claim an entire specific area--i.e., Grand Rapids or Breezy Point. If you are unsure if your location is too specific, just ask!
forest colony
The Forest Colony was formed from cats looking for a better, safer life. Solitary but friendly, forest cats spend a lot of their time teaching useful skills to traveling nomadic cats, such as hunting, tracking, healing, and basic self defense. All skills needed to survive in the new world that they were never taught otherwise. They are creative individuals and excellent builders, constructing intricate dens nestled in the pine forest they call home. They use the rocky and windy Rush Prairie for training and teaching purposes.
Led by Bluebell.
river colony
Settling near the delta that flows into Paradise Bay, the River Colony was the first to settle and organize. They use the river as a pathway to Highpeak and Paradise Valley, and fish for bass, salmon, and trout in Little Falls, an relatively shallow and safe area of the river. While their camp is prone to flooding, they stay put, believing that if the world were to ever start to deteriorate again, they would catch the first signs of it in the sea and be able to report it quickly to the Legendaries. They also use Deerwood Marsh as a way to study the local wildlife, with an abundance of deer, to educate themselves on how the world works in nature.
Led by Morwen.
Plains colony
Th​e Plains Colony originated from a group of cats in the River Colony looking for a more private lifestyle. They are pretty closed off to newcomers, secretive, and isolated. They are wary and suspicious of strangers, and often are seen traveling Eden Prairie in groups. Some say that the cats who reside in the Plains Colony are very firm in their respective spiritual beliefs, and can be found in the plains at night, studying the stars above. They are also a militaristic settlement, with required tours of duty in The Plains Corps.
Led by Hoffra.
Those who believe in the fallen and exiled goddess, Helena.
Those who trust in the Judgement of the original Gatekeeper, Oordeel.
Those who believe in the strength and power held within their own paws.
We are the Followers of the Fallen.
We remember how the world shook the day she arrived. We remember how the earth split and the skies were coated in ash. We remember the blackened seas rising and the poisoned air filling our lungs. The world was supposed to end that day. The pain, the suffering, the evil...everything was supposed to end. We were frightened, but we were grateful for the finality of it all. We yearned for the release from these tar-coated chains.
But they stopped it. They saved us, and they also saved the evil. They saved the darkness. And they destroyed the one who sought to end it, the one who longed for nothing but peace and light and purity.
She is here with us now. The light, the mother, the savior, the knowing. She walks among us, powerless and dying, while the world around us continues to be plagued by impure souls and darkness. She is the castaway, the banished, the betrayed.
Only she can save us all now.
Listen to the trees around you. Listen to the seas. Listen to the rustle of prey in the forests and the soft brush of the grasslands swaying in the clean winds. Listen, and you will hear the words of the Speakers.
He has no words left to share, we know. Fallen and resurrected, he has earned his life of peace alongside us. His work is done, but ours is far from over.
We are the Speakers of Judgement, and we carry on his mission where he cannot. He saved this world, protected us from destruction by the hands of the gods who abandoned us. He rose mortals to godhood, and gave us something to believe in again. The world stand as it is today because of his dedication and sacrifice, and we will ensure that his pain does not go to waste.
He is the Judgement, and we are his Speakers.
Long before the descent, we had no gods.
Whatever beliefs we held were useless in our time of need. On the brink of death, on the edge of annihilation, our prayers and eyes cast to the skies for help did nothing to save us. The gods turned their backs on us. The gods left us to die.
It was our own kind that saved us.
The Legendaries were just like us, once. But while we settled back and waited for death, they stepped up. They took the charge and stepped through the gate and brought Paradise to us all. They saved us when no god or goddess would bother. Let the gods die. Let them fade from memory to the point of irrelevance. We need no gods.
We can save ourselves now.