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Soul alignments

Soul Alignments are the most advanced form of powers your characters will get to use in Paradise Rising. However, keep in mind that your character won't even be able to use soul alignment powers until they are at level 5. That being said, feel free to read up on soul alignments and level 6 powers as you work on leveling up!

alignments and level 6

Every soul in Paradise Rising has a class and a color. While there are only five soul classes, color exists on a spectrum. There are infinite colors of every shade. In Paradise Rising, we have developed a wheel of colors for everyone's soul classes. The wheel determines your alignment. Your soul is aligned with every other soul on your wedge:

TPT PR wheel final-clean.png

Your alignment will determine who you are able to combine your powers with, as well as which cats will give you the strongest connection. We will explain more about this later. First, we do need to let you know some of the rules revolving this new power. We are going to be much more strict about how Level 006 powers are used than Levels 001-005, as 006 is a powerful level and we want to make sure characters aren't getting completely overpowered.

level 6 rules

  • There are very strict restrictions on your level 006 power; please be sure to read the descriptions of each power carefully. We won't be as lenient on these restrictions as we are with other things.

  • You cannot use these powers to seriously injure another player without their prior consent.

  • These powers should be used sparingly in character, as they are very exhausting to use.

  • Your character must have achieved Level 005 to be able to use their Level 006 power. If you haven't read up on the leveling up process, please check out the level up page.

  • Unless otherwise known, always assume that your alignment with another player is a 4th degree alignment (see the Alignment Degrees section below)

As always, if you are unsure about something with your power, do not hesitate to ask a mod! We'd rather have you ask than assume.

level 6 rules

black and green

Black and green souls, when in physical contact with one another, are able to manipulate the feelings of another living being that is within sight range of both half-souls. The infliction is stronger when the victim is closer. This includes making someone feel calmer, more angry, or even feel physical pain or relief, if the power is strong enough.

Power to inflict feelings onto others.

Blue and green souls have the ability to alter the effects of a blue soul's poison to create a healing antidote. The liquid can be stored away for a period of time, afterwards it will revert back to a deadly poison. Be careful.

green and blue

Power to create healing antidote liquid that can be stored.

blue and red

Power to create liquid fire bombs.

Red and blue souls are able to create a firebomb, about 4 inches in diameter. When the bomb comes in contact with something, the flames explode and create an area of napalm that burns slowly and cannot be put out with water. The napalm is sticky and will cling to surfaces and only burn out with time, which can be longer or shorter depending on the alignment strength of the two souls. Any blue or red souls can manipulate the napalm.

Purple souls have the power to 'bottle up' a red soul's electricity into an unstable and explosive stun grenade, about 4 inches in diameter. These grenades are highly effective and destructive, but only will last the duration of the explosion. Electricity will reach out into a small radius, stunning those caught in the farthest reach and effectively electrocuting those caught in the direct blast.

red and purple

Power to create shock and stun grenades.

purple and black

Power to temporarily control the bodies of others.

Black souls can use their power of shadow creations with the purple soul's power of telekinesis to temporarily 'possess' and control the body of another living being. It is extremely physically and mentally exhausting for both half-souls, and can only control the other living being for no more than 1 minute of time, depending on how strong the alignment connection is.

alignment degrees

As these powers are all very strong and dangerous, we are putting in place restrictions to each power. These restrictions will be implemented in the form of alignment degrees. Your character's level 006 power will depend on how well aligned they are with another soul on the same chart. These alignments will be split up based on degrees: First, second, third, and fourth. 


While previously, first degree alignments were restricted to soul shades in your wedge, this season we have expanded first degree alignments to also include soul shades in the wedge exactly opposite of yours. We have also expanded the range of fourth degree alignments. See the graphic below.


EXAMPLE: You are a green soul, and your soul color is seafoam. You are able to combine your powers with black and blue souls. You want to combine your power with an onyx black soul. Since you are so far misaligned with each other on the wheel, you and the onyx black soul have a fourth degree alignment. However, you have a first degree alignment with ivory and iron black souls. You have second degree alignments with swartz and mist, third degree with pitch and moon, and fourth degree with onyx, dust, umber and flint. Your level 006 power will be strongest with the first degree alignments (the ivory and iron souls), and weakest with your fourth degree alignments (the onyx, dust, umber, and flint souls). 

Want to know the power of your alignment degree? It can be found on the same spreadsheet that is embedded on the Soul Classes page. If you would would like to head directly to the Soul Powers spreadsheet document, you can view it by clicking the link below.

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