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Before joining Paradise Rising, we require that you read through the rules thoroughly. We understand that it isn't very exciting, so we will try our best to keep them brief, but please do read them, as rule violations later could land you in trouble or even kicked from the group. 

  1. The number one rule is to treat your fellow members with as much respect as you want to be treated. If someone asks you to stop doing something, please do so. 

  2. Harassment or drama of any kind will NOT be tolerated. We will speak with you privately if we believe you are causing problems and give you a chance to change your behavior. If the problem persists, we will be forced to remove you from the group and kill your character.

  3. Please try to keep any drama between you and another player OUTSIDE of the group or any of the group's various public chatting areas (comments, Discord, Google Docs, etc...) . If the issue between two players starts to interfere with other people's enjoyment of the group, we will be forced to speak with all parties involved and ask you to take it elsewhere or work it out, or else risk all parties being removed from the group. 

  4. If you are having problems with another member and do not feel comfortable dealing with it yourself, please contact either Staniqs or Caliberarts FIRST. We will do our best to handle the situation, but please keep in mind we are not mediators and we may not be able to solve the issue for you. 

  5. If you are having problems with one of the mods, either contact the other mod, or contact both of us directly. We are friendly people, and will take what you say to heart and do our best to make the situation better!

  6. Hiatuses must be reported to the mods as soon as you possibly can VIA NOTE (please do not message us on Discord). We will do our best to accommodate, but please keep in mind that group participation is vital to the story line of Paradise Rising and we may not grant you a hiatus if it is extremely long, or if you have multiple in a row. Please message us right away to discuss hiatus options. 

  7. Please send important and private information to the mods via deviantART Notes to the group. Do not note us privately or send us a message on Discord unless stated otherwise. Private notes and Discord messages are easily lost and hard for us to keep organized! We greatly appreciate notes whenever possible. 

  8. All artwork submitted to the group must be your own! Traced artwork will not be allowed. 

  9. You MUST have a Discord account or be willing to get one in order to join. Important announcements and events happen through the Paradise Rising Discord server and you must be able to participate. 

  10. Lastly but perhaps most importantly, never EVER share you soul shade with another player unless given permission to do so. This is grounds for removal from the group (not to mention it ruins the fun).

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