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leveling up

Now of course, your cat may be far from being the all powerful god they dream of being, but everything changes, and with time, so will your cat. Below are a list of prompts that will allow you to level up. These prompts are to be done one at a time, and SPECIFICALLY for the reason of leveling up. Occasionally, a trial prompt may also be good for a level up prompt. YOU MAY use one work of art to count for both, but please make sure that you label it correctly.

Although your cat can level up their soul, it will not change the actual statistic (e.g., strength/speed/etc.), as that only determines where they start!

level up prompts

lvl 1 - lvl 2

Draw or write your cat’s frustration or excitement about their power. (Headshot minimum OR 400 words of literature)

lvl 2 - lvl 3

Draw, write, or roleplay your cat practicing their newfound power. (Minimum full body drawing OR 800 words of literature OR Minimum 6-post roleplay)

lvl 3 - lvl 4

Draw, write or roleplay your cat struggling with their power or the knowledge of their soul class/shade (Minimum full body drawing, some background required OR 1200 words of literature OR minimum 10-post RP)

lvl 4 - lvl 5

Draw, write or roleplay your cat either A) Coming to terms with their soul class if they were upset/disturbed by it, OR B) Draw, write or roleplay your cat during a pivotal moment during their life, can be before or during the trials. (Must be a full body, full background image OR 1600 words of literature OR minimum 16-post roleplay)

Characters can unlock "Level 6" powers, but those are a little different. For info on that, click below. 

**PLEASE NOTE: If a cat begins at level four initially and wants to become level five, they cannot JUST do the level four prompt. They must first do the level 1, 2 and 3 prompts, so that it is fair for everyone else. While they start much farther than everyone else, the user still has to put in an equal amount of work to make it to the top. This goes for all levels.**


  • Put “LU” or “LEVEL UP” in the title.

  • Submit to the LEVEL UP folder.

  • At the TOP of the artists comments put:

    • Leveling [charactername] up from level ??? to level ???

    • Include the level up prompt

    • If it is a literature submission, please include the word count


  • Put “DS” or “DUAL SUBMISSION” in the title.

  • Submit to the LEVEL UP folder.

  • Put all required trial information at the TOP.

  • At the BOTTOM of the artists comments put:

    • Leveling [charactername] up from level ??? to level ???

    • Include level up prompt

    • If it is a literature submission, please include the word count

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